The first page

It’s like a new book and when we open a new book, we feel like starting it neatly but at the end of it, it’s filled with doodles and a frustrated writing. This year is going to be no different, but what makes us happy is a little hope. We all know things do not change overnight, yet we celebrate the beginning of a new year hoping for that change. Amazing, isn’t it? If there was no calendar, how will we know when to start afresh? or we should celebrate every night hoping for a new dawn. Belief, one crazy feeling that drives us to any extent. The good part is that we actually make an attempt to change things or be different. New resolutions, promises, new schedules etc, all planned overnight. I’m not sure how this year is going to be but let’s see if I can maintain a decent handwriting through out my book.

Happy New Year 2010.


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